Tell your pharmacist to take a flying-fuck at the moon! Here's a thoracic stretch I have been using this last year, utilizing a standard lat-pulldown machine at the gym. It has eliminated all pain and discomfort in this area. It's a great way to unlock the thoracic and lower cervical joints and open up the nerve pathways. Let's see your pills accomplish that! You may not be experiencing this yourself, but I was involved in a whiplash accident at the age of 9, and my back and neck have bothered me ever since, well into upper middle age, so this is a big deal to have complete relief in this area. I use 180 to 250 lbs. Exceed that weight and you risk an over-stretch of the spinal ligaments. A good rule of thumb is, your body weight+50 lbs=max weight. You want the angle to be about 15 degrees from vertical. Remember to anchor your thighs under the pads, and roll your shoulders back and forth under stretch, and shrug shoulders in towards your neck, for optimum release of the spinal joints. For an even better stretch, find a way to anchor your body just below the rib cage: